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Introduction to Computing (CS101)


Assignment No. 03


Fall 2021


Total marks = 20                                                                              


Due Date:

February 15, 2022



Please carefully read the following instructions before attempting assignment.



It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if:

  • The assignment is submitted after the due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
  • Strict action will be taken if submitted solution is copied from any other student or from the internet.


You should consult the recommended books to clarify your concepts as handouts are not sufficient.


You are supposed to submit your assignment in .doc or docx format.

Any other formats like scan images, PDF, zip, rar, ppt, html and bmp etc will not be accepted.



·         To understand the concepts of computer programming.

·         To learn the use of basic instructions in C/C++.

·         To learn the use of conditional structure in C/C++.






No assignment will be accepted after the due date via email in any case (whether it is the case of load shedding or internet malfunctioning etc.). Hence refrain from uploading assignment in the last hour of deadline. It is recommended to upload solution file at least two days before its closing date.


If you find any mistake or confusion in assignment (Question statement), please consult with your instructor before the deadline. After the deadline no queries will be entertained in this regard.


For any query, feel free to email at:




Questions No. 01                                                                                                        Marks (15+5)


Write a C++ program that calculates the total marks and average marks obtained by a student in five subjects and also computes the division based on the average marks. You are required to enter the marks for each subject out of 100 marks. The output screen should show your name and student id (VU ID), obtained marks, average marks, and division as shown in the output diagram (given below):


Use the division system mentioned below to compute the Division using the if-else structure.

Greater than or equal to 60                                                                 First Division

Greater than or equal to 45 but less than 60                                      Second Division

Greater than or equal to 33 but less than 45                                       Third Division

And in case marks are less than 33%                                                  Fail


The output of this program should be as follows:


Write your code in a compiler application and run it to generate the output. After that copy your code and paste it into a Microsoft Word document (your solution file). Also, take a screenshot of your program’s output and paste it into the solution file along with the code.


You can use any online or offline C++ compiler for writing your code for the assignment solution. Few links for the online compilers are given below:



·         Your solution file must be a Microsoft Word document (in .doc or .docx file extension).

·         Solution file must contain both code and the output screenshot of your code. 

·         It is mandatory to use your name and Student ID in the program (No marks will be awarded if the student’s personal information is copied or any other information is used).

  • You can use any random number as obtained marks in all 5 subjects that are required for calculations.
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