Common cybersecurity risk factors and mitigation strategies.


Risk Factor


Phishing attacks

Provide security awareness training to employees on how to recognize and avoid phishing emails. Use spam filters and anti-virus software to reduce the risk of phishing attacks.

Weak passwords

Require strong passwords and two-factor authentication for access to sensitive systems and data. Implement password policies that require password changes at regular intervals.

Outdated software

Keep software and systems up to date with the latest security patches and updates. Implement a vulnerability management program to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in software and systems.

Insider threats

Implement access controls and monitoring to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive systems and data. Provide security awareness training to employees on how to recognize and report suspicious behavior.

Malware attacks

Use anti-virus and anti-malware software to detect and prevent malware attacks. Implement network segmentation to prevent the spread of malware across the network.

Physical security breaches

Implement physical security controls, such as access controls, video surveillance, and security guards. Conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities in physical security.

Data breaches

Implement data encryption and access controls to protect sensitive data. Develop an incident response plan to quickly respond to and mitigate data breaches.


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