Problem-02: There is a 100 story building; you can climb up and down the building through the fire escalators. You are given two crystal balls. These crystal balls will break at a certain height. Therefore, If you release them from a floor that is higher than their breaking height, they will break. If you release them from a floor below their breaking height, they will resist the fall. You are asked to write an algorithm to find this height. For the exercise to be successful, at least one crystal ball must remain intact after the execution of the algorithm.



There is a 100 story building; you can climb up and down the building through the fire escalators. You are given two crystal balls.

These crystal balls will break at a certain height. Therefore, If you release them from a floor that is higher than their breaking height, they will break. If you release them from a floor below their breaking height, they will resist the fall.

You are asked to write an algorithm to find this height. For the exercise to be successful, at least one crystal ball must remain intact after the execution of the algorithm.


You are expected to provide an answer in pseudocode Java (code resembling Java).


Here's a possible solution in Java pseudocode:

int findBreakingHeight(int totalFloors, int crystalBallHeight) {

    int interval = (int) Math.sqrt(crystalBallHeight * 2);

    int floor = interval;

    while (floor < totalFloors) {

        if (isCrystalBallBroken(floor, crystalBallHeight)) {

            return findBreakingHeight(floor - interval + 1, floor);


        floor += interval;



    return floor - interval + 1;



boolean isCrystalBallBroken(int floor, int crystalBallHeight) {

    // Assume there is a function to determine whether the crystal ball will break at a given height.

    // Return true if the crystal ball breaks, false otherwise.

    return checkHeight(floor) > crystalBallHeight;


The findBreakingHeight function takes two arguments: the total number of floors in the building and the breaking height of the crystal ball. It uses a binary search-like approach to find the highest floor from which the crystal ball won't break.

The algorithm starts by dropping the crystal ball from a height of interval, where interval is the square root of twice the crystal ball's breaking height. If the ball breaks, the function recursively calls itself on the interval of floors from the previous floor - interval + 1 to the current floor floor. If the ball doesn't break, the algorithm increases the floor by interval and decreases interval by 1 to narrow the search range.

The is CrystalBallBroken function determines whether the crystal ball will break at a given floor by calling a hypothetical checkHeight function.

At the end, the function returns the highest floor from which the crystal ball won't break.


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